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You can't be all things — or do all things — for all people.
A life without limits means rarely saying "no" and considering everyone else's feelings before your own. Not only are these people-pleasing habits wholly exhausting, they put you on the direct road to burnout, a major health hazard in its own right.
We consulted boundaries expert Chad Buck, a clinical psychologist at Vanderbilt University's Work/Life Employee Assistance Program, on the life-changing power of establishing a clear-cut view of what you're willing to tolerate. Below are a few great things that happen when you learn to set your own limits:
我们咨询了范德堡大学“员工工作与生活援助项目”的临床心理学家、设限专家查德·巴克,请他来告诉我们如果能明确自己愿意承受的限度,会给生活带来多大的改变。如果你学会了设限,就会得到以下几点好处: |