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发表于 2016-8-29 19:06:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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As a business owner, getting what you want is imperative to your company’s success. That’s because losing a deal could mean losing a competitive advantage—whether it be resources, clients, or sales that are meant to propel your business forward.
So how can you be sure to get the deal you want? Well, it’s all in your negotiation strategy. That’s why we asked 10 successful entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following question:
Q. What’s one effective negotiation strategy to seal the deal on a major business opportunity?
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:07:09 | 显示全部楼层
不管你是一家刚成立的创业公司,还是全球知名的大企业,谈判的关键往往在于“借势”。除了跟你谈判的这家公司之外,是否还有别人能提供类似的服务?如果你真想做成这笔生意,最好的方法就是给对方设定一个坚决的最后期限,并且告诉他们:“我们愿意跟你合作,不过某某某已经准备好顶替你们的位置了。”——Modify Watches公司CEO艾伦·史瓦茨

1.Find a Competitive Bid
Whether you’re a startup or the biggest company in the world, negotiation often comes down to leverage. Is there another partner who can provide you with the same service as they can? When you need to move a deal along, nothing works better than setting a credible deadline and saying, “We’d love to work with you, but XYZ is ready to take your place.” —Aaron Schwartz,Modify Watches
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:07:29 | 显示全部楼层
你应该花时间研究一下对方的目标,尽量通过谈判提高双方的共同利益。比如如果对方不愿意在价格上让步,那就把谈判重点放在合同的其他方面,比如质保时长和质保范围,大量采购时的折扣,以及其它可能为双方带来更大利益的条款。——Bend Law Group, PC创始人道格·班德

2.Discover Areas of Mutual Gain
Spend time to discover the other party’s goals to increase the mutual gains achieved in the negotiation. For example, if the other party won’t budge on price, focus instead on other areas of the agreement, such as the length and scope of the warranty, a discount for purchasing in bulk, and other areas of interest that might provide even greater benefits for both parties. —Doug Bend, Bend Law Group, PC
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:07:51 | 显示全部楼层

3.Pinpoint the Main Motivator
It’s critical to really understand what’s motivating the other party. Focus on this element. Everything is else is gravy, which isn’t much of a meal without the steak. Don’t overcomplicate the deal or stray too far from their main motivator. Rather, you should clearly explain and reinforce exactly how they’ll get what they really want. —Nicolas Gremion, Free-eBooks.net
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:08:15 | 显示全部楼层

4.Ask What They Need to Get It Done
Kim KaupeMajor business opportunities can sometimes have just one or two last details that are holding back a client from signing on the dotted line. Be upfront, direct, and simply ask, “What is it going to take to get this done? How can I help you get this greenlit?” Putting yourself on the same side of the table as the client helps you both tackle the problem together. —Kim Kaupe, ZinePak
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:08:36 | 显示全部楼层
你应该深入了解公司以什么样的条件签约才能有利润。也就是说,你得明白合同价格需要高于多少才能盈利,以及你能最多为这个商机付出多少时间和精力。你对这些问题有了确切的答案,才有可能签订一份最理想的合同。同时你也才能知道什么时候该放弃没有利润的合同。——Start Ranking Now公司CEO妮可·穆诺兹

5.Know Your Bottom Line Offer
You should have an intimate understanding of what exactly you need to be profitable and comfortable with a deal. You need to know how much money you’ll need to make a profit and how much time and effort you have to give to a business opportunity. These answers should help you negotiate the best deal possible, and will also tell you when it’s time to walk away from something that’s not profitable. —Nicole Munoz, Start Ranking Now
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:09:02 | 显示全部楼层
在谈判过程中,要时刻做好妥胁的准备。我最近学到了一种很不错的妥胁的艺术:如果你只需要一件东西,那么你就要向对方要求三件,而你所需要的那一件应该是实现难度最低的。这样一来,如果对方难以实现所有条件的话,你就可以说:“好吧,那两个条件也就算了,剩下的一个条件必须要达到。这样总可以了吧?”——V.I.P.Waste Servies公司CEO杰西·利尔

6.Ask For More Than You Need (Then Compromise)
In the negotiation process, always plan for compromise. I recently learned that a great way to do this is to ask for three things you want when you only really need one of them. Make the one you actually need the least difficult of the three. That way, when the other party pushes back, you can say, “OK, I’ll compromise on two out of three of my requests, and I’ll just keep this one thing. Deal?” —Jesse Lear, V.I.P. Waste Services, LLC
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:09:25 | 显示全部楼层
每一个商机都牵扯到不只一方,所以你不妨想想:“这笔生意对他们有什么好处?”因为这可能比思考“它对我有什么好处”更重要。要学会从全面的角度看事物。如果你看不出这笔生意对对方有什么好处,就不要贸然签约。跟一个对的人或对的企业签一笔小生意,强过跟一个错的人或错的企业签一笔大生意。你要考虑客户关系的长远价值。——2 Hounds Design公司总裁艾丽莎·纳瓦罗

7.See the Deal From Their Side
Alisha NavarroEvery opportunity has more than one party, and thinking, “What’s in it for them?” can be more important than thinking, “What’s in it for me?” See things from all perspectives, and if it doesn’t make sense, walk away. A mediocre deal with the right person or company can be worth much more than a great deal with the wrong person or company. Think of the future value of the relationship. —Alisha Navarro,2 Hounds Design
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:09:50 | 显示全部楼层
我们在谈判时总会带着各种预期和偏见。我与潜在合作伙伴和厂商谈判时,经常会陷入令人沮丧的气氛,因为大家经常会话不投机。所以你要学会倾听对方说话,并且准备改变你的谈话方式和内容,与对方保持一致,这样才能继续谈下去。这对于技术类的话题尤为重要——别指望他们懂的你都懂,也别指望你懂的他们都懂。——Future Hosting公司CEO维克·帕特尔

8.Listen and Adapt
Vik PatelWe walk into negotiations with expectations and biases. I’ve often endured frustrating negotiations with potential partners and vendors because we spoke at cross-purposes. Listen to what the other person is saying, and be ready to change your style and content to align with theirs. This is especially important for technical topics—don’t assume you know what they know, or they know what you know. —Vik Patel,Future Hosting
 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-29 19:10:12 | 显示全部楼层
在商业的世界里,一个成功会吸引来另一个成功。在谈判时,采取一个自信的姿态,对于谈判的成功是极为重要的。如果你想谈成这笔生意,就要装出你并不需要它的样子。但是不要显得傲慢自大,你需要的是耐心和冷静,不要轻易犹豫。在说话时要显得强势且无所畏惧,仿佛随时拍桌子走人也不在乎的样子。——Bull & Beard公司CEO罗比·伯尔萨姆

9.Play Hard to Get
Robby BerthumeIn business, success attracts success. When you’re negotiating, taking a position of confidence is paramount to succeeding. If you want to close the deal, you have to act like you don’t need it. Don’t be arrogant, just be patient, stay cool, and don’t easily waver. Speak strongly and without fear, and be willing to leave it all on the table. —Robby Berthume,Bull & Beard
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