
楼主 |
发表于 2016-8-29 19:09:02
在谈判过程中,要时刻做好妥胁的准备。我最近学到了一种很不错的妥胁的艺术:如果你只需要一件东西,那么你就要向对方要求三件,而你所需要的那一件应该是实现难度最低的。这样一来,如果对方难以实现所有条件的话,你就可以说:“好吧,那两个条件也就算了,剩下的一个条件必须要达到。这样总可以了吧?”——V.I.P.Waste Servies公司CEO杰西·利尔
6.Ask For More Than You Need (Then Compromise)
In the negotiation process, always plan for compromise. I recently learned that a great way to do this is to ask for three things you want when you only really need one of them. Make the one you actually need the least difficult of the three. That way, when the other party pushes back, you can say, “OK, I’ll compromise on two out of three of my requests, and I’ll just keep this one thing. Deal?” —Jesse Lear, V.I.P. Waste Services, LLC |