
楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-8 10:13:20
Lest you think that all the responses I got were about men who are better adjusted than the ones you know, a woman named Jesse wrote in despair about her boyfriend. They've been together four years. He calls her "The Stuff-Doer," and when they were both working, she says, "most of the second shift naturally fell to me." It still does. Just more so. Jesse's boyfriend lost his job at the end of September, and now "he wakes up at 1 or 2 p.m., plays computer games, generally doesn't eat anything until I come home, [then] he resumes playing his game, I work out, go to bed, and he finally comes to bed around 4 or 5 a.m." She does the shopping, the cooking, the laundry, and all the bills, "even those in his name." She thinks that even if he finds another job, her boyfriend isn't going to kick in more help. And because he's had past episodes of depression, "I'm very hesitant about asking him to do his share fearing it will just add to the burden and push him back into the terrible state where he doesn't even make eye contact with me for days." But she's getting resentful. "I suppose I need to frame it as me asking for his support and being careful not to shame him, but even that makes me angry." That sounds like settling into a new reality—but miserably.
你也许会想这里我的反馈中的这些男人都比你所知道的要好的多,Jesse女士曾在她的来信中描述令她绝望的男友。他们在一起已经4年了。他称她为“The Stuff-Doer”,在他们都有工作的时候,她说,“所有的家务琐事都有我来做”。而现在仍旧如此,或者更甚。Jesse的男友在9月末丢点了工作,现在他“每天下午1,2才起床,然后玩电脑游戏,饭也不吃直到我回来,吃完后继续玩游戏,我忙完后上床休息,他大约早上4,5点钟才去睡觉”,她购物,做饭,洗衣服,还得支付所有的账单,“尽管这些账单都是在他的名下。”她想继续他找到了另一份工作,男友也不有更多的帮助。因为他已经过了那段沮丧的阶段, “我在犹豫要不要开口让他承担他该承担的那一份,我害怕那会加重他的负担,让他又回到从前糟糕的状态,那时候他好几天都不和我正面眼神接触。”但是她仍然十分不满,“我假设以一种寻求帮助的语气来现行他并且尽量不伤害到他的自尊,但即使那样仍然让我很恼火。”那听起来好像是另外一种说话,但其实挺可悲的。