
楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-11 16:10:58
Lucy Bayly, 43, a copywriter for an advertising agency in Oneonta, N.Y., compares discussions about income with conversations about sex: 'You're dying to know, but it's too rude to ask.'
纽约州奥尼昂塔(Oneonta)某广告公司43岁的文案露西•巴以利(Lucy Bayly)把讨论工资与讨论性爱放在了一起比较。她说:“你太想知道情况了,但是开口问就太粗鲁了。”
Such conversations run the risk of inspiring a corrosive kind of jealousy, she says. 'You think you're satisfied and then all of a sudden, you find out someone is paid a little more, and it ruins your day because you start wondering, 'Have I settled?' '