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发表于 2013-5-27 13:13:37
I'd like to invite you to close your eyes.
Imagine yourself standing outside the front door of your home. I'd like you to notice the color of the door, the material that it's made out of. Now visualize a pack of overweight nudists on bicycles. They are competing in a naked bicycle race, and they are headed straight for your front door. I need you to actually see this. They are pedaling really hard, they're sweaty, they're bouncing around a lot. And they crash straight into the front door of your home. Bicycles fly everywhere, wheels roll past you, spokes end up in awkward places. Step over the threshold of your door into your foyer, your hallway, whatever's on the other side, and appreciate the quality of the light. The light is shining down on Cookie Monster. Cookie Monster is waving at you from his perch on top of a tan horse. It's a talking horse. You can practically feel his blue fur tickling your nose. You can smell the oatmeal raisin cookie that he's about to shovel into his mouth. Walk past him. Walk past him into your living room. In your living room, in full imaginative broadband, picture Britney Spears. She is scantily clad, she's dancing on your coffee table, and she's singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time." And then follow me into your kitchen. In your kitchen, the floor has been paved over with a yellow brick road and out of your oven are coming towards you Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Lion from "The Wizard of Oz," hand-in-hand skipping straight towards you.
你站在,自己家门口的外面,请留心一下门的颜色,以及门的材质,现在请想象一群超重的裸骑者,正在进行一场裸体自行车赛,向你的前门直冲而来,尽量让画面想象得栩栩如生近在眼前,他们都在奋力地踩脚踏板 汗流浃背,路面非常颠簸,然后径直撞进了你家前门,自行车四下飞散 车轮从你身旁滚过,辐条扎进了各种尴尬角落,跨过门槛,进到门厅、走廊 和门里的其他地方,室内光线柔和舒适,光线洒在甜饼怪物身上,他坐在一匹棕色骏马的马背上,正向你招手,这匹马会说话,你可以感觉到他的蓝色鬃毛让你鼻子发痒,你可以闻到他正要扔进嘴里的葡萄燕麦曲奇的香气,绕过他 绕过他走进客厅,站在客厅里 把你的想象力调到最大档,想象小甜甜布兰妮,她衣着暴露 在你咖啡桌上跳舞,并唱着"Hit Me Baby One More Time",接下来 跟着我走进你的厨房,厨房的地面被一道黄砖路覆盖,依次钻出你的烤箱向你走来的是,《绿野仙踪》里的多萝西 铁皮人,稻草人 和狮子,他们手挽着手蹦蹦跳跳地向你走来,