这两天公司有个海外产品风扇被中国海关询问,风扇上面有VDE, CE 两个logo,与海外供应商沟通,可对方只有VDE认证没有CE认证,理由如下:
After further investigation performed by our supplier Heilind in order to procure the CE Certificate , they have conclude that the certificate is not available. Basically the reason is that the CE Marking is not a certification but a trade reference which indicates that the product can be commercialized across the European Union , the VDE Certificate would cover the standards required in those countries , thus the product can be labeled with the CE marking for commercial purposes in the region.
For details please refer to
the CE Marking is not a certification but a trade reference 他们认为CE认证不是认证而是一个贸易商标
the VDE Certificate would cover the standards required in those countries , thus the product can be labeled with the CE marking for commercial purposes in the region说VDE认证包括了CE认证所以他们的产品可以直接贴上CE标签原因是他们有VDE认证书